Microsoft visual studio code lesson plan
Microsoft visual studio code lesson plan

SuperAdventure project – Where we will put the screen/display part of the program.Engine project – Where we will put the “logic” of the program.The SuperAdventure Solution – The top level grouping of your program/application.This is where you will add files to your projects, rename or move existing files, and (sometimes) delete files from your project. This section shows all the projects in your solution and all the files in the projects. Start – This builds (compiles) your program and runs it – so you can actually use it.This will also tell you if there are any problems in your solution. Build – This “compiles” your solution – converts it from C# code to code that the computer can understand.Save All – Save all changes in the current solution you’re working on.Save – Save the current file you’re working on.File – To open your solution, and start working on it.Just like many programs, the menu options are at the top. Here is what Visual Studio will look like after you start building your game.

microsoft visual studio code lesson plan

Before you start using Visual Studio, you should get familiar with the different parts of it.

Microsoft visual studio code lesson plan